So its been over a month since I last posted. Why is this? I hear you ask loyal readers. Well I bought myself a 360 which resulted in me leaving all my Uni work till the last minute and only last week did I actually catch up. I am back though with this fantastic picture.
Apparently this is a picture of Heath Ledger as "The Joker" from next years "The Dark Knight". The picture can be found at www.ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com which looks like a defaced version of Warner Brothers www.ibelieveinharveydent.com. The picture has been revealed one pixel at a time by fans by sending an email and recieving a code to put into the site.
I've liked Heath Ledger as "The Joker" since the beginning as it was someone who people weren't crying out for due to the fact that he has not got the stereotypical "Joker" look about him. I think these fears should be squashed now as this looks genuinely creepy. I've already heard the cries of "That red stuff looks crap though" at work today but I love it. I think its there to try exaggerate the fact he has what looks like a "Glasgow Smile" so he puts make-up on his scars as he sees this as his real smile.
I hope that this is real as this along with the news of Aaron Eckhart playing Harvey Dent makes me very excited about this film.
More posts to come soon folks I promise!
1 comment:
Not much of a blog war if you're not posting anything is it Mr Gee.
I'm winning 4-0 as it stands
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