Thursday, 11 January 2007


Today I finished my second essay for Uni. I started about five days ago but finishing today still doesn't feel "last minute" to me and I have been known for this in the past so I'm quite proud of myself. I am worried about this one because I feel once I got into it, it was too easy. This isn't me showing off as this is why it has taken me so long to finish as I've been worrying and re-reading the brief over and over again. I think in the future if this is the case I should make sure to see one of my tutors and get them to read a draft. I did try that this week but I couldn't find any of them. I suppose I could have tried harder though. At least now I have a few days to myself to do what I like after work.

My student loan came through this week which was good because it meant I could buy some shite. I bought a new pair of trainers, some DVDs (know I'll end up getting more) and some CDs. I also put some of the money into my savings account as I think its time to start growing up. I could still work on making sure I watch my money better. It sounds boring but it might be time to start making up some budgets.

Bed time

Catch you on the flip flop

Watched: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Listened: Common - Be
Read: DMZ #13

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