Tuesday 17 July 2007

Consider Yourself Schooled...

I have always had a massive love for music. This has increased though while working at Nostalgia & Comics in Birmingham thanks to being introduced to loads of new stuff which is mainly down to Rich and Dave. Stu as well probably if he had spent a bit more time there in the last six or so months.

The one genre that I love the most has to be Hip-Hop and its only in the last seven or so years that I've gotten into it properly. I'm sick of defending the good Hip-Hop that is out there because like most genres its outnumbered in a big way by the shit that is seen as "Mainstream". Its because of this that I have decided to take it upon myself to "School" people, so to speak in the art of real Hip-Hop. Over the next couple of weeks I will post an artist that I feel people should give a chance, why they should give them a chance and the one album they should have if they don't have any others by that specific artist.

I hope you people find this useful.


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